Goals February 2016

birthdaycakeThis month is my last month before I turn 40. This birthday is also special to me as it’s finally a leap year again and I can celebrate ( yes I am born on the 29th of February…) This sounds like I am preparing myself for a death row… 1 year ago I made the decision to start this blog and also defined my goals and core values. I have shared those in my early post Back to Basics

I want to share my Core Value Matrix again with you, this time I can prove I have also learned a bit more in the way how I create my infographics ( I am huge fan of infographics). Actually I am such a fan, that I even have an extra board on my Pinterest dealing only with Infographics. You might ask “What’s the big deal?”- Simplicity is one of the hardest things to achieve and in order to produce a good and perfectly clear Image, so everybody recognize your message at a blink of an eye, Infographics train you in the skill of reduction to the most important parts.

pinterestinfographicboardwant to see more; take a look at my Pinterest Board
Follow Donotthere’s board infographics on Pinterest.






With a firm view on my year goals and my core values in my mind :

HERE are my goals for February 2016

don't be the same be betterI want this blog to be better; to become  more professional (in terms of the look), to provide more value to the reader and to give a true inspiration for people who want to try and transform themselves – first step of course is to write more ( as one of my followers told me I need to write more) with better pictures. I think practise makes the master so my goal for February is to write 20 posts with at least 350 words, create more followers on my social media  and expand my audience to the German speakers by creating German version. I also want to start a podcast but in order to do so I should probably listen to some really good ones. If anybody wants to recommend great podcast related to this topic PLEASE do so !

Read 4 books preferable on social media tactics and strategies or/and  finance and take classes on Photoshop ( honestly some of my pictures could need some extra work)

Create a working habit in terms of creating this blog content  and also physical exercise. So far I have done this things regulary, but I would like to step up and create a proper routine as it is easier and more efficiant this way.

As you see this month the goals are more general and less specific but as mentioned before this month is my Death row month ( just kidding). Looking at my goals so far, I am right on track with a need for a little booster.. Have a great start  all in this February