Goals Report

I always say in order to achieve your goal you have to keep track and follow your progress.

At the beginning of every month I write  a detailed goal plan for the month ahead and publish a goals report about the progress made towards my goals during the past month.

REPORT for February 2016

February has been my last month before I turn 40 and I have been quite nervous about this particular date the 29th of February ( yes I am born on this day). I have to say, it was not as bad as I envisioned. This whole process of the blog www.donotthere.com has been born just 1 year ago, where I made a list what do I want to accomplish in this year “before 40”. I can proudly say 98% of my goals have been met.

On the other hand, I have failed quite dramatically on my February goals and I would be lying if it wouldn’t bother me. Of course I had sensible reasons, but let’s be honest I also had enough time and opportunity to get where I wanted to be… So it’s back to the beginning.

I have finished reading 4 books on social media though and as a result I have now a clear understanding what and how to post and I got more traffic and also more followers, this is a success. I have not done anything on the field of Photoshop , mainly as I forgot it was on my “to-do-list”

I have created a working habit and about 80 of the time I stick to it, both physically and also on the writing side. I have worked of 175 km in February (and still short of almost 140) but it looks like I have failed this challenge. Regarding post content out of 20 I did 13 this is a measly 65% of my target and I am quite cross with myself. The only thing I am quite happy that 2 posts have performed way better than any other articles before therefore there is some improvement regarding my writing. I have started on my podcast, picked the topic, the audience, read about how to do it and created my intros and started with the content. I am surprised and also little bit insecure about how I sound on a tape, surely this is not me… I guess I will get eventually over it but I have a feeling if I upload it to the public I will end up on a comedy show ( as joke not the comedian..)

Over all I would say I have worked of 75% of my goals and therefore the following month will be repeating everything I have learned about how to hit your target more efficiently as I clearly need some practice .


REPORT for October  2015

Although the October objective was quite simple on paper it I’d prove that I obviously need to practice more self discipline.

A) make a list of things “almost done”

B) finish all those things on the list
C) don’t start anything new before list completed
This I am quite proud to say that I made it apart from a tiny bit which was due more to technical difficulties. Among those things I n desperately wanted to fix was my stairs -project I have been “finishing” for more than 4  months. I thought once you finish something so big you will feel good and proud but nothing like that happened, I had more of a feeling like “and this took you so long”  I felt disappointed but looking back I do feel lighter as there is not this nagging in my head “you have to finish this”

Another important goal is to re read some of the books I was impressed with and read at a different stage in my life. This was really good and I strongly recommend to everybody to give it a go. You discover brand new thing in your favourite books, like you would discover new sides of an old friend

REPORT for September 2015.

September has not been a good month. I have fallen off the wagon a lot. Literaly every day. I have not followed my own advice and I feel crapy about. This feeling prevents me to pick up my bruised ego and start new. I feel like the battle of change has been turned all over to the starting point and there Is again a mountain to climb. Why am I telling you this? Most probably everybody who is going though major transformation feels the same at some point of the journey. It sucks! Big time! This is not what you read in magazines about this motivational people…

Let’s see what HAVE I achieved this month:


create more 15% traffic through social media. get the blog bilingual. Increase smart your time and productivity. Use technique to create more valuable content.

Just did the figures: I got 500% increase through social media, where the major driver has been Flipboard. I have created a magazine called supercharge me and it looks like it has been a real winner. 


Set up a daily, weekly, and monthly budget for myself try to maximize it as much as possible. Create  and research ways to travel smarter.Get more shit done and manage my time more efficient. Think about energy saving and create a strategy about it. Publish my kindle book on Amazon and get first income from it.

I did the budget and was quite shocked how much I actually need monthly. I thought I need about 75% less!!!! I would say this excercise has been the most valuable one. It kicked my inner cuddly puppy and opened my eyes. I strongly recommend that everybody should do it, once its on the paper there is no way to turn a blind eye on it. I did my research about travel smarter and got valuable information out of it! My energy saving attempts failed as I spend too much time indoors. 

My kindle book: this is a mojor dissapointment. I did not published it yet. The instruction on how to publish on amazon feel like you have to have a phD to manage it. I am sure its not such a rocket science, but right now it feels like one.

My FAZIT for September; notevery goal has been missed but the major ones yes. I can feel bad about it but it’s my own laziness to blame. Next month will be better!

REPORT for August 2015.

August 2015 has been about pushing my comfort zone.

BLOG GOALS Get better in writing. Create more pages and more consistency.

This is a big one : get this blog also in German. Lot of people around me would like to read more but their English language skills are rather basic so I made a promise.

PERSONAL GOALS On the Hiking trip push my boundaries. Step out of my comfort zone. Do something I never done before.

I did this as I challenged myself quite significant physically by going on a 10 day hike through Scottish National Park Cairngorms.I traveled with a backpack of 17 kg and slept in a tent. I was navigation only with a compass ( my first) and no cell reception. I also got 2 new family members ( 2 kittens) and boy they do keep me busy! As it looks like I have completely failed my blog goals which is a shame.I did not created the German version of this blog and I also have failed on writing. Thinking about it retrospective makes me realize that I have been quite lazy and let my discipline slip. It feels like it now much harder to get back on track.

REPORT for July 2015.

This month passed by in a blink of an eye. So many thing are happening and also so many things are not happening in my life that this report should be a reminder and encouragement how far I have come and how far I need to go.


Grow & Expand: post some guest blogs, get re-blogged or shared, post a guest blog, create a free downloadable item, get 200 visitors this month, create a vision and mission page and network more

Maximize your resources: share your post on other social media, create a posting routine, get 15 referrals to your blog

Be better: improve your Photoshop skills for a better visual representation, improve your writing

I got re-blogged ( yay my “first”) and also shared on the social media. I did create a downloadable Item but I did not got 200 visitors this month. I managed to get 129 what I consider a failure but on other hand for a 2,5 month old blog and an absolute beginner as author it might be not so bad. I got my referrals and also a posting routine. I can’t really judge for my picture skills but I do think its easier to create some more decent pictures for me, than it was a few months ago.


Grow & Expand: read  about day-trading specific FX trading and develop a strategy for trading eur/usd in this Greek dilemma. Get some freelance work and revisit your portfolio. Break the habit of sugar craving and add at least 25% more vegetable to your diet. Practice self discipline and finish last undone home project of painting the stairs. Publish one kindle book.

Maximize your resources: close the 2 not used money accounts. Transfer funds to a higher interest account.

Be better: in Listening ( I really want to listen more to people instead I tend to jump into conversation)

I was not reading as much I wanted on the fX stuff, but I did revisited my portfolio and made some minor changes. Missed on the freelance job BUT here comes a good one: I wrote a kindle book. I have yet to format and upload (aka publish it) but its there. Closed the not used money accounts and transferred the funds. I also met old friends and perhaps for the first time really listened to them. I have mainly ditched the sugar ( not quite there yet its so hard when its 36C and you should not have icecream) but I eat hell of lot more vegetables.

ALL in good achievement I would say.

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