Jan. 2016

complete my 7 day sugar free challange

work out equivalent of 4000 kcl. a week

In terms of giving, I want to donate my old kindle , therefore I need to clean it up etc…

read 4 books; I loved to read books and I think I read more books in my life than anybody I  know but last year I got addicted to Netflix. I would like to reduce my TV time in general and also I got a new kindle, therefore I need to read more !

For my blog i would like to define social media strategy and also how I could use my knowledge to help people by proving them tools for an easier transition during a lifechange. In order to meseaure if my strategy is working I want to have an increase of traffic by 25%.

Research and find passive income possibilities, which suit me.

I have found a house in my neighbourhood, that would be suited for my 2016 goal of new property. It looks like the previous owner either died or is in hospital. I wanted to contact next of kin in order to find out if ( and of course for what price) they would sell the property



GOALS 2016

As mentioned in my other post all New Years Resolutions need goals but I am huge fan of setting goals anyway as it gives me a clearer view of the path towards desired change to become the person I want to be.

Here are my major Goals for 2016; although I will still write my monthly goals as well.

  1. Buy and move; I will buy a new home, this time a house with garden preferable in same area I live in now. I wish the house to have a decent sized garden and I would not mind to have to work on it as I enjoy the planning and working on an old house. Rational behind my decision is that having so many people involved in  how you deal with a property ( which happens if you own a flat) is exhausting.
  2. Bring my body fat content down by 30%. In general I am happy about my size but I do wish to have a higher muscle mass.
  3. Generate a monthly 2000€ income through passive income Chanels.

Here these are my major goals for 2016; most of those major goals represent only step stone towards my change which is always driven by my values.

October 2015

This month goals are very simple

A) make a list of things “almost done”

B) finish all those things on the list

C) don’t start anything new before list completed

Another important goal is to re read some of the books I was impressed with and read at a different stage in my life

September 2015



create more 15% traffic through social media. get the blog bilingual. Increase smart your time and productivity. Use technique to create more valuable content.


Set up a daily, weekly, and monthly budget for myself try to maximize it as much as possible. Create  and research ways to travel smarter.Get more shit done and manage my time more efficient. Think about energy saving and create a strategy about it. Publish my kindle book on Amazon and get first income from it.

August 2015


Get better in writing. Create more pages and more consistency.

This is a big one : get this blog also in German. Lot of people around me would like to read more but their English language skills are rather basic so I made a promise.


On the Hiking trip push my boundaries. Step out of my comfort zone. Do something I never done before.

July 2015


Grow & Expand: post some guest blogs, get re-blogged or shared, post a guest blog, create a free downloadable item, get 200 visitors this month, create a vision and mission page and network more

Maximize your resources: share your post on other social media, create a posting routine, get 15 referrals to your blog

Be better: improve your Photoshop skills for a better visual representation, improve your writing


Grow & Expand: read  about day-trading specific FX trading and develop a strategy for trading eur/usd in this Greek dilemma. Get some freelance work and revisit your portfolio. Break the habit of sugar craving and add at least 25% more vegetable to your diet. Practice self discipline and finish last undone home project of painting the stairs. Publish one kindle book.

Maximize your resources: close the 2 not used money accounts. Transfer funds to a higher interest account.

Be better: in Listening ( I really want to listen more to people instead I tend to jump into conversation)

As you see this month is mostly about growth. This should be the focus of my next 30 days.

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