Self discipline first steps

In my last post I have touched the basics and fundamentals of how to exercise discipline in order to achieve your desired goal. I shall put my money where my mouth is and show you my personal progress on this this topic. Some things I have been exercising for a few weeks already and some are just about to begin. Everything I do I try to structure in 3 main areas

  1. physical (body)
  2. mental (mind and spirit)
  3. financial

The fastest transformation gives you the physical state.  Today’s post is about implantation of discipline in this particular area.

Since I was a kid I have suffered from severe food allergies. This runs in the family. Over the last decades I have found my way to deal with it with some major setbacks. When I moved to UK in 2008 I have lost 9 kg in only 5 weeks as their bred is full of additives which are not necessarily declared.  As a result, these made me stop eat bred in general and establish a diet of steak, sushi and chocolate.  Now this is not a healthy diet I admit as well, but those things don’t make me sick … After I moved back to Europe and in particular Germany 2 things happened; I picked up eating bread again ( this country has THE BEST BRED in the world) and I cooked meals from scratch but with lot of pasta and potato dishes. Slowly I started again to feel very uncomfortable, not able to put my finger on what happened. I was tired all the time and other unpleasant things which nobody wants… A doctor looked at my food history and discovered following

I am allergic to Allium family and legumes. After eating something “bad” I get cross allergies to other things I am usually tolerating ( like strawberries, cherries or corn). As I stopped eating that much steak I have lost my source of iron and became anaemic.  But he suspected also that I could not make use of all ingredients properly.  He suggested adapting the paleo diet for a while. Truth to be told I never thought I could ditch the grains. I am on a modified version ( I eat occasionally rice and quinoa ) and I have coffee and sugar, but this has been the best decision so far. The change is now down 4 months and it gets easier with every day. It takes effort to find foods and recipes, you have to prepare this at home as its not easy to eat outside and you have to practice this type of food discipline every time you put something in your mouth but the end result is so worth it.

My next goal is to improve my fitness level in general. This should  result a loss in dress size and improvement of my overall condition. In order to achieve goals they tell you to define those as precisely as possible so you can track your progress. Well my goal then would be drop a dress size and swim 2 km easy or run 15 km. 

How to exercise self-discipline in order to achieve my physical goals:
  • Drop sugar for 1 week and check results
  • Go swimming 2* a week for 1 km
  • Neighbors have a husky (he always wants to run), take the dog out for min. 6 km walk a day.

Wish me luck!

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