Practice Discipline

“Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is power”

                                                                             Lao Tzu

One of  the basic steps on my way to a better person is practice discipline and patience. It is part of the fundamentals of every change as it is human that we avoid things that are unknown or uncomfortable. Discipline and patience gives you the tools to improve your skills on desired area and transforms the unknown task or situation into familiar.

Like every craftsman needs to master his trade by repeat practice you can train and practice discipline. Self discipline is a learned behavior. Here is my self discipline plan

  1. set yourself a task and do it for 5 min ( you can finish the task if you want)
  2. schedule the most important task like its business appointment and start on it, no matter what
  3. visualize the end result and revisit it daily

I tend to do exercise discipline best in the morning ( as I am general a morning person) but my mind and intentions are also fresh which helps me with motivation. Be aware that you will have to fight against your self. You will find so many reasons to put things of. One of the rules here should be ” DO IT NO MATTER WHAT”. Keep your goals short term ( can be part of a bigger goal) and repeat, repeat and repeat the exercise. Things will be easier with time. Also bear in mind that you will slip. Its not the end of the world, its human. The strength is to start again.

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